Veritas Vincit (shinri wa katsu)

Scroll to see all 8 Japanese Veritas Vincit tattoo designs

Here we offer 8 different hand-brushed Japanese Veritas Vincit tattoo designs by Master Japanese Calligrapher Eri Takase. For these Veritas Vincit tattoo designs the fonts are different, but the characters and the meaning are the same. So order the style you like - the meaning is the same for each design.

Veritas Vincit in Japanese is 真理は勝つ which is read shinri wa katsu.

Immediately Download Your Tattoo Design

With your order, you will receive everything you need for the perfect Veritas Vincit in Japanese Tattoo. Your design comes as an Adobe PDF file which means it will print exactly as Master Takase brushed the design and, of course, it includes the line art (also called a stencil) which your tattoo artist must have to properly ink the design.

As soon as your order is placed, you can immediately download your Japanese tattoo design. We also send you an email with instructions should you want to download the design in the future. The Adobe PDF file completely documents the design and contains everything your tattoo artist needs to properly ink the design. Your tattoo artist does not need to know Japanese.

Getting your perfect Japanese Tattoo really is this easy. Get your tattoo today!

Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 products)
Displaying 1 to 8 (of 8 products)


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